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Get real estate expertise that is objective and unbiased.


Private Listing House provides expert advisement to clients looking to market or acquire real estate.

We perform extensive research, in order to help facilitate informed decision-making, on your investment.

PLH is your “behind the scenes” real estate resource, for off-market real estate.

Real estate is a tool
we should all be investing
with, strategically.
— Hollie Landaverde, CEO

Real Estate Consulting


As a real estate consulting firm, Private Listing House provides a variety of services to help maximize your potential return on an investment.

Rather than focusing on a single transaction, we ensure overall investment success for those who rely on professional advisement.


Founder + CEO

Hollie Landaverde, is an Independent Broker who has been selling real estate since 2014. With a previous decade-long background in sales and marketing, in global hospitality, she strives to create experiences.

She left one of Chicagoland’s most prestigious brokerages and founded Private Listing House in 2017, under the membership of the National Association of REALTORS, providing custom solutions to clients.

Today Hollie partners with exceptional Brokers, Attorneys, and Service Providers across the nation to extend elevated client experiences.

We don’t work for commission.
